Working visit: From September 15th until October 18th 2016.
Laura Olalde is a visual artist based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She graduated in Fine Arts, specializing in painting, and trained in mural painting. She earned a Master Degree in Electronic Arts and her thesis research was based on sci-art coproduction. Since 2011 she has incorporated bioart practices in her work. In 2012 she exhibited Quorum Sensing, an immersive experience with bioluminescent microorganisms. That year she received a production grant for her project Ophiodea, inspired by compound eyes in nature. It was exhibited at Ljudmila Medialab, Ljubljana, Slovenia, at Interactivos? ’12 workshop. Since 2013, she has been part of PROTEUS, a sciart collective formed with molecular biologists, awarded in 2015 for Introversion Dogmatica, a representation of the interaction between DNA and Histone proteins.
Her residency project was the collective mural painting Mural by Women, Mitochondrial Wall lasted from October 5th until October 16th inside ACC Metelkova mesto.
A mural painting within this year’s City of Women festival was created by the artist and the interested public. The collective mural painting Mitochondrial Wall is an open project for women. It represents a “molecular landscape” with its focus on mitochondria, an organelle with its own genetic information that is passed on via maternal heritage.
Organization and Production: City of Women, KUD Mreža (Celostna umetnina Metelkova, Asylum Studio, Gallery Alkatraz).
Animation: Mileta Postić