KUD Mreža has been archiving materials regarding ACC Metekova mesto history (photos, audio and video recordings, media reports, academic studies, legal documentation, etc.) since the original squatting. We invite all potential archivists to collaborate with us. We need help updating the collection and classifying the materials gathered so far. For now, the latter can be studied only in the KUD Mreža office.
Hereby we publish some photos from the lively history of ACC Metelkova mesto. They have been taken by many different amateur and professional photographers. We publish them in order to benefit anybody interested in ACC Metelkova mesto and also in hope that the authours of the published works will get in touch with us and let us know which photos they took. Any information regarding the photos authorship or events and stories connected to their motives should be sent to: natasa.s@guest.arnes.si Until further notice all photographs are published under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
You can read more about the history of ACC Metelkova mesto and Ljubljana City Council’s urban policies in Bratko Bibič’s essay (Instead of) Summary taken from his sociologic study of urbanism and urban culture in Ljubljana entitled Hrup z Metelkove (Mirovni inštitut, 2003).
You can read more about ACC Metelkova mesto in the Metelkova story
A list of documents and publications you can find in KUD Mreža office
FriForma: lll人 (Seymour Wright, Daichi Yoshikawa, Paul Abbott)
FriForma: Rie Nakajima in Pierre Berthet
Lasugrlu, vokalni performans (premiera)
17. mednarodni feministični in kvirovski festival RDEČE ZORE
Festival: Osebno-Kolektivno / Personal-Collective, 6.-7.7.2010
Damir Avdić + Franci Blašković + Gori Ussi Winettou
Knjižni žur, 22. 6. 2010, Menza pri koritu
Knjižni žur, 22. 6. 2010, Menza pri koritu, fotografije: Nataša Serec, Almedin Botonjić
Virtual presentation of Metelkova!
Urbani likovni projekti / Urban Art projects
Kulturna tržnica / Cultural market
Grafiti / Graffiti: Suburban Cakes
Animation: Mileta Postić